Black History Month 2016

For the month of February we are committed to intentionally learning black history together. With only 29 days we wont cover it all. There are going to be a ton of people, movements, events that we will inevitably miss. But that doesn't mean we cant try to soak up as much information as we can. After all, we do believe there is much to learn from our past! 

So every day for the month of February, I am posting a link to a piece on black history on both Facebook and Twitter. I hope this is an opportunity for us to rethink some things we thought we knew, to receive fresh insight, to read from black people about themselves, and of course to ask ourselves, 'how does this information impact our work today?' 

In case you've missed the first few days, here is what we've covered so far!

I've also added this new page so you can return here for our list of resources at the end of each week. Happy reading! 

Austin Brown